B&N Kids' Gift Finder
How might we help customers shop for children based on demographics and areas of interest?
These sample wireframes reflect the first phase of a large targeted marketing effort aimed at parents and adults who want smart suggestions for the children they often buy gifts for. The release was in conjunction with a Kids' Club dashboard page, both of which were launched during the holiday season. The user experience challenges for this digital product were to extend the in-store personal bookseller shopping experience online in a curated process and to bubble up product previews above the browser fold at each refinement step with appropriate gifts to encourage quick conversion.
The gift finder established a lexicon of user centered terms as trackable data points that help BN.com suggest appropriate gifts. These data points are collected by Core Metrics, a web analytics tool, to help merchandisers monitor purchasing trends and shopper demographics.
Roles and Responsibilities
- UX Design Lead on agile product
development team. - Designed and tested Gift Finder prototype and led exploratory research of how consumers currently search for gifts online.
- Collaborated with Product Manager on product definition and business goals.
- Collaborated with Art Director on branding.
- Collaborated with team of engineers on technical constraints and usability needs.
- Developed iterative wireframes to convey strategy and requirements.